Become a partner
Get startedWhy integrate with ZenduONE?

No need to invest for development with each TSP integration

Reduce time to setup a new TSP or a new customer

ZenduONE will take care of any breaking changes from the TSP

Single API to open up the integration with multiple TSPs

Bring your focus back to your core product instead of managing integrations

Automate your billing process

Improve your customer's experience with all-integrated system

Market yourself on other TSPs marketplaces and bring yourself more exposure
We’ll support you every step of the way

Submit Request
You’ll submit the request for integrations or custom development required.

The product team will analyze the request and seek clarifying questions(if any). Based on the complication of the request, it might take multiple meetings.

Based on the request parameters, the product team will qualify the request. There might be instances where a better approach or a way-around is proposed.

Once the request is qualified, the estimates for cost and time will be provided back to you for approval.

Approval & SOW
Once you approve the request, a formal SOW needs will be created by us along with the technical details. On approval of SOW, the development of the project will be started.